Devotional Making Disciples


Clear visual. The prophet lying on his left side for 390 days. Then turning over to lie on his right side for 40 days.

Communicating to Israel and Judah the weight of their sin. And dire consequences. Great discomfort in the coming siege.

By way of illustration.

Visual. Image by Max Saeling on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Useless fire

“Presenting defiled food….useless fire on My altar.”

The Lord God speaks to priests who stand careless in their sacrifice. Callous in their worship. 

Disobedience reeks to high heaven.

And He’s calling them out.

Useless fire. Image by Chirag Nayak on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Broken record

Broken record pleading. Same old insecurity. Inadequacy. 


Doing a number on my thinking.

Fiery-dart target practice, feels like, somedays.

Age-old questions on repeat. 

Broken record. Image by Pierre Gui on Unsplash.