Pray in the moment.
Thoughts. Whispers. Walking conversations with the Father.
During ordinary, daily tasks.
At home or on the road. In school or at the office.
Wherever we go.

Pray in the moment
Pray in the moment.
Sing praise to God the Father, the Almighty, the King of Creation.
Rehearse the Name above all names. Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, King of kings and Lord of lords.
Give thanks for the Holy Spirit. Wise Counselor, Helper, Teacher. Spirit of Truth and Spirit of Life.
Cry out
Pray in the moment.
Cry out in wilderness and high winds.
Darkness and depths.
Voice inner qualms and questions. Hidden doubt.
Confess sin.
Draw near to God. Moving from shadows into the light.
Pray always
Watch. Stay alert. Listen. And pray always. For people and places.
Lift up those far from God. Unreached. Lost in darkness. Resistant to the gospel.
Intercede for family and friends. Brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ. Sent ones making disciples across oceans and borders and cultures.
Pray for those along the path today. Neighbors and fellow students, office workers, shoppers at the grocery store. Travelers on the commute.
Lift up needs and concerns you see running through local, national, international news. And on social media.
Pray now
Abide in the Vine. Daily.
Deliberately dependent. “For without Me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
Dwell in the Word of God. Daily.
His Truth teaching who He is and what He does. His purpose and plan. How to pray.
Be filled with the Spirit. Daily.
Pray in the moment.
Pray now.
What about you?
How do you pray continually? What has the Lord taught you about praying in the moment?
Related posts
Pray continually – Watch and pray – Practicing – Be alert and pray – Keep singing – Confession of our hope –
Colossians 1:9-14 – Colossians 2:6-7 – John 15:5 – Ephesians 5:15-20 – Luke 18:1 –
One reply on “Pray in the moment”
Thank you, Susan. Another friend and I were talking about this very thing yesterday. We have a ministry to widows and we’ve been struck with how many times they talk about talking to the Father throughout their days and evenings… encouraging and precious to see the tender ways they rely on Him and the faithful way He responds to them.
Love your insights from the Lord!