Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples



The soul stutters. Protests weakness. 

Earthen vessels live fragile at times. 

Trying too hard when it’s time to be still. Waiting too long when it’s time to move.

Resisting when He says speak. Stalling as He calls me somewhere out of my current comfort zone. 

Hesitation. Image by Umit Bulut on Unsplash.


Hesitation hinders. 

Subtly expanding into doubt. Dullness. Pride.

Questioning my abilities.

As if it were about me.

In the end, thwarting gospel conversations with others. And obstructing gospel work in my own thoughts and words and walk. 


Hesitation. Watch for it. 

And counter with faith. Eyes on the One and Only.

Rooted in His Word.

Relying on His Spirit. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and strength, knowledge and the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2).

No hesitation

Trust the One who is, who was, and who is to come.

He moves with divine timing. He gives us the words to speak.

Walk with Him.

No hesitation. 

What about you?

Do you struggle with hesitation? What has the Lord taught you about taking that next step of obedience?

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3 replies on “Hesitation”

Such a timely word for me today! I’m staying with my 97 year old momma as she goes through rough times. Our Good Father opens and closes the doors and gives wisdom day by day. Thank you for encouraging my heart! Love you, Peggy S.

“As if it were about me” struck my heart today! Praying that I would walk with Him and not run ahead!

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