

In-your-face. Deliberate. Disobedience. 

A story old as time. And ongoing in this day and age.

Jeroboam of Nebat’s name is repeated in Scripture. Often. Echoing through the history of the kings. 

Not remembered for noble acts or extraordinary wisdom. 

But for his evil ways. 

Deliberate disobedience, 1 Kings 13:33. Image by me.

Even then

Even in the midst of dire consequences. Jeroboam “did not abandon his evil way.” (1 Kings 13:33 NASB)

Even after his hand withered. And the altar ripped apart, ashes pouring forth.

Even then. He gathered his own priests. Ordaining “whoever so desired it.” Anyone who wanted to be a priest. (1 Kings 13:33-34)

And God said, “You have flung Me behind your back.” (1 Kings 14:9)


Today people still defy the Word of the Lord. Deliberately choose their own way.

Gathering those who affirm their direction and laud their choices.

Abiding in the world’s messaging instead of Truth.

Listening to the lie.

Deceiver’s whispers

Someday the deceiver’s whispers will end. 

Hollow. Lifeless. Proven false.

A crumbling foundation. Giving way in the storm.

Today is the day to humble ourselves and pray. Asking the Father to awaken hearts and minds. Revealing the darkness and futility of living in deliberate disobedience. 

Praying they will repent and believe. Following Him. 

In deliberate obedience.

What about you?

Have you struggled against the lies of the deceiver? How do you pray for those listening to false teachers or deliberately going their own way?

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1 Kings 12:25-33 1 Kings 13 2 Chronicles 11:13-172 Chronicles 13:4-201 Kings 14:1-20

4 replies on “Deliberate”

We have been studying Peter & Jude’s letters and their cautions about false teachers. I am both comforted and challenged by the way that things written in the 1st century are so applicable today! And I am reminded that our enemy DOES NOT play fair!

I pray fervently that my kids would understand this. On my knees daily, multiple times, praying for their eyes to be opened.

I would love to hear from you!

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