

The psalmist cries out to the Lord. And God hears his cry, inclining His ear toward a desperate appeal. For mercy.

In the telling of his story, the psalmist goes back and forth. 

Between relief and alarm. Death and rescue. 

The way we often do. 

In the context of crisis. 

Cry out to the Lord. Image by Priscilla du Preez, Unsplash.

Rehearse truth

The end is near. The psalmist is overwhelmed.

“Lord, save me!” And God does. 

But trauma remains. The psalmist feels it. Even in describing what took place.

And he must rehearse what is true. Talk to his own soul. 

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you” (Psalm 116:7). 

Yes, He has. Rescuing from death. Tears. And stumbling. 

The psalmist then looks by faith to the future. “I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living” (v. 9).

Fears in crisis

His next words comfort through their honesty. 

“I believed, even when I said, ‘I am severely oppressed.’In my alarm I said, ‘Everyone is a liar’.” (116:10-11) 

Sometimes, the best thing for my walk by faith, in the context of crisis? 

Acknowledging the weight of it. The dark scenario.

Fears looming. 

I will

As the psalmist considers the work of the Lord, “I will” statements pour out.  Determination. Resolve to stand firm in his faith.

“I will call out to Him as long as I live” (v. 2).

“I will take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord” (v. 13). 

“I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people” (v. 14).

“I will offer Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving” (v. 17)

Plan of action

And the psalmist teaches me a plan of action in the face of crisis. 

I will pour out my concerns and fears before the Lord. He hears.

I will acknowledge He is my help, speaking this by faith. Reminding my soul what is true. Telling others of His faithfulness.

I will determine my steps to draw near to God. And walk in obedience to His Word.  

I will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord our God. Whether in the middle of the crisis or beyond it.

What about you?

Can you identify with the psalmist? What are some “I will” plans that help you in difficult times?

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6 replies on “Crisis”

Remembering His faithfulness allows me to trust the future to Him. The psalms are such wonderful inspirations and I rejoice that David wrote out his prayers.

we love to sing the song “Cup of Salvation” by Shane & Shane (from the CD Glory Revealed II: The Word of God in Worship). It is a favorite at our house

My daughter is currently in the midst of a “crisis” in her relationship with a young man, and my emotions have been all over the place as I have struggled with anxiety about the situation. I have found that preaching truth to myself about God’s character has been a wonderful comfort and help. Thank you for the timely reminder to continue doing this. As my fears mount, what a blessing to know that in Christ, I can “return to (my) rest.”

I would love to hear from you!

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