We walk this path. Step by step. A path marked by altars along the way. Holding significant stories of surrender. Set in certain places, at particular times.
Personal experiences. Where God settles the question lingering in the thick of things. Opens eyes to see. Moves hearts to know.
He is enough.
One such altar on my faith journey took place mid-day. In a Karachi summer.

No relief
The power was off. Again. For hours already.
Outside, a hot breeze from the desert. Inside, the temperature climbing past 100 degrees.
Outside, the water tank in blazing sun on our flat roof. Inside, only hot water coming out of the faucets, the shower head.
No relief in sight.
Sitting on the tile floor beside our napping 3-year-old, I laid our baby on my lap. Her skin warm. Breaths shallow and fast. My own skin throbbing to the rhythm of my heartbeat.
Frustration building. Unable to see past physical heat and exhaustion. Discomfort.
I prayed for relief. Electricity. Cool water. A cold front. Anything.
But, nothing.
Summer of my discontent
Something else was simmering too. Inside of me.
There was no doubt God had called us to this city. To serve others. But desert wind exposed underlying fears of failure. Not measuring up. Unmet expectations. Worry.
Comparison with others stirred beneath my skin. Competition. Complaint. Entitlement.
Hardly the lay-down-your-life way of the Kingdom. But there it was.
In the summer of my discontent.
And that day I felt the weight of it all. Pride exposed. Its ugly roots laid bare.
Altar on the path
Sitting on the floor. The warm tile floor. I silently wept. At the end of myself.
That was the moment. The altar on the path.
Eyes lifted, I opened my hands. And simply prayed.
“Father, You promised you would provide all that I need…and here we are….”
Pausing. Realizing. Then saying the true.
“…this must be what I need.”
Nothing dramatic. Barely a whisper.
But repentance.
And plain, uncomplicated surrender.
To the One and Only.
Declaration of faith
That feeble prayer was my declaration of faith. In the One who directed my path. To a specific place at a particular time. For His purpose, not mine.
The electricity didn’t come on. The heat continued. Water from the cold faucet remained hot. My life circumstances did not change.
But I changed.
And knew.
In the depths of my soul.
He is all I need.
He is enough.
He is enough
In scarcity or plenty.
Famine or feast.
Heat or cold.
Whether barren or fruitful.
No matter what. I can choose to trust Him.
And somedays
I need to remember.
Lessons learned along the path.
For such a time as this.
He is enough.
“…I have learned to be content
in whatever circumstances I find myself.
I know both how to make do with little,
and I know how to make do with a lot.
In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret
of being content–whether well-fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me…. And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.”
Philippians 4:11-13, 19-20
(Italics mine)
What about you?
Do you remember a place on the journey when the Lord taught you He is enough?
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25 replies on “He is enough”
That was vulnerable and beautiful, Susan. He IS truly enough, and sometimes it takes our brokenness and end-of-the-ropeness to see it. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Carol. You know those hard places. Grateful He is our all in all.
Thank you friend for sharing this truth. I need this reminder. And He truly is enough.
Your words strike a chord in my heart. I recall similar places of discontentment, followed by repentance and surrender too. Such beautiful words!
Thank you for sharing, sister. So grateful He continues to teach us His ways on this faith walk.
Truly! Praying for you, sister. Grace to you.
Thank you so much for sharing this, Susan. Exact words that I needed to here right now. It brought tears to my eyes because I’m encouraged to move forward and persevere in this journey of faith.
I’m so grateful to hear this, sister. Isn’t He so faithful? Providing what we need to keep on walking by faith. Praying for you today.
I can SEE and feel it in your words and I need to hear it!! Keep writing what He gives!
Keep fighting the good fight, sister. He is with you.
I am finding my time more fully occupied with caring for my wife as her dementia carries her into a world far from reality. Meeting resistance to my efforts, I heard myself repeating a frequent litany, “Darling, I love you. I care for you; please trust me.” I suddenly realized God has been saying that to me all my life! While I make choices based on my limited perception of reality and what I think best for me, God, who has the big picture and is the One who truly knows reality and what’s best is pleading with me to trust Him, pleading with me to understand that He loves me and cares for me. But like Bobbye, I stubbornly hold on to my narrow worldview.
God bless you, brother…
This viewpoint deeply edified me.
Jerry, this brought tears to my eyes. We love you both and are praying for you on this hard stage of your journey together. What a tender Father we have–revealing this truth to you in the midst of it all. Thank you for sharing it with us. Grace to you.
Susan, As you do many times you brought God’s specific word to me at just the right time. Thank you for always being so obedient to speak His truth. It means so much to so many. We still miss you here at Shades. And Jerry we are praying for you and for Bobbye as well as Chip and Lori. Blessings, Jennifer
Thanks for sharing, Jennifer. And thank you for praying for this dear family.
Thank you so much, brother and sister, for sharing so truthfully. We never stop needing Him. And He is always Present. We are praying for you both. Thank you for the example of your love for the Father and each other.
thanks for sharing. Great insight in a difficult time.
Thank you Susan for your transparency! YES, we have all been there, just not as quick to admit it. HE is and will always be ENOUGH! And we can rest in that!
Amen, sister. Always!
Well, I was trying to reply to Jerry’s insight above, but it posted further down the page. Sorry–guess I haven’t figured it all out yet.
There’s been many times where I’m at the end of myself and give it all to God–moving to Texas to teach, Going to Central Asia, etc.
But I had a thought with the word “enough”. In the language I’m learning, enough is literally “it reaches/covers.” I love that thought. He is enough. He reaches, He covers.
Ahhh. Such a rich and beautiful insight for “enough.” Thank you for sharing this.
Ah, your description of the heat and holding little hot children and wishing the electricity would return…and coming to the end of yourself…it brings back memories for me. Thank you for the reminder that He is all we need…in abundance and in need. Thanks for staying faithful to your ministry of writing!
You’ve been there, for sure, friend. Thanks for sharing 🙂
[…] He is enough – Heart and soul – Trust in the Lord – Fragments – Worship – Such as it is – Discontent – Runaway prophet – […]
[…] soul magnifies the Lord – How can this be? – He is enough – Daily abiding – Seek His face – Obadiah – Step by step […]