They are traveling. Jesus and the disciples. They enter a village, then a house. Martha’s house.
Right before this, Jesus sends the disciples out into the harvest. Two by two. With several instructions. Including the following directive for entering a village.
“Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this household.’ If a person of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you” (Luke 10:5-6). The person of peace is their welcome. Their home base. For each particular village.
Now they enter a new village. Then Martha’s house. Perhaps they say “Peace to this household.”
“And a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home” (Luke 10:38). A person of peace.

Don’t You care?
In this “house of peace,” Martha is busy preparing. Everything. And Mary gets on her last nerve. Evidently. I mean, how can her sister sit at Jesus’s feet when there are so many guests who need to be fed and served?
Martha’s not having it.
She questions Jesus. And urges Him to speak to Mary. Calling her out in front of everybody. Perhaps this is the last straw, after some earlier hints didn’t work. Or maybe the frustration has just been building inside. And comes out now.
“Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to serve alone? So tell her to give me a hand” (Luke 10:40).
Lord, don’t You care?
Martha, Martha
I can almost hear it. “Martha, Martha…” (10:41). Perhaps the first “Martha” doesn’t catch her attention. She’s distracted, after all.
I think about the times I’ve had to call a child’s name several times. When I need to tell them something.
He calls her name. Twice. Maybe after the second time, she realizes. Oh. The Master isn’t speaking to Mary. He’s talking to me!
Many things
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things…” (10:41). I imagine this spoken in His voice. Compassionate. Gently rebuking. Yet firm. Touching on her tendency to handle it all.
I know that mode. Racing around. Finding every little thing that is undone. What needs to be taken care of. Especially if guests have already arrived.
Everything in me rises to her defense. This crowd is large and staying around, evidently. That’s a lot of food to fix. And what does tomorrow look like?
Maybe her internal to-do list is multiplying rapidly. I’ve been there.
The one thing
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary” (10:41).
There are so many things. So many details. Such a long list.
But only one thing is necessary. Only one. The priority of sitting at the feet of Jesus. Hearing His voice. Walking His way.
Martha in me
There’s a Martha in me. How often do I serve this way? Without focusing on the Master? How often does my busy heart and mind miss the Word of the Lord. In the moment?
Do I sit at His feet in order to serve according to His will? Or do I serve myself into a state of worry. Anxious and upset about many things. Missing the peace and joy.
Missing the fellowship with Him that’s always available in the middle of daily life.
Martha grows
We don’t know Martha’s response to the Lord’s rebuke. But we do know a special friendship develops between Jesus and this family. John 11:5 notes, “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.”
And we know Martha grows. In her understanding of who Jesus is.
Statement of faith
After her brother Lazarus dies, Jesus comes. [see Waiting for the Lord] In the midst of grief and loss, the Lord speaks powerful words to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)
And Martha doesn’t simply say, “Yes.”
No, she replies with a profound statement of faith. “Yes, Lord, I believe you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who comes into the world.”
Martha, Martha. Sitting at His feet and truly listening. Knowing His Word. Then witnessing the resurrection of her brother.
And rejoicing in the Resurrection of her Lord.
What about you?
Do you struggle with being distracted by multiple tasks? Do you get worried and upset over many things? And lose sight of the one thing? What helps you remember to sit at His feet?
Related posts and Scripture Passages
Follow Me – Waiting for the Lord – Begin to know Him now – Clear the clutter – Temporary nest – Listen – Keep your eyes on the goal – Take up His yoke – Habit – Luke 10:1-9 – Luke 10:38-42 – John 11:1-44
14 replies on “Martha, Martha”
I love this perspective on Martha. We so often recognize that Mary sees who Jesus is, but ignore Martha’s growth in response to Jesus.
Thank you. I love how Jesus knows and speaks what each of the sisters needs😊.
I read this as I finished up my quiet time and tried to pray. I needed to plan for the class I am teaching today as well as get writing work done, and I could hear the rumbling sounds of the kids starting to wake up already in the next room even though the sun is not yet up. I wanted nothing more than to just go back to sleep, but had dragged myself out of bed to sit at his feet only to be accosted by my To Do list. Today as I work, I will hold Christ’s words in my heart: only one thing is needed. Nothing else is worth getting worried or upset about.
Oh friend, your TO DO list is longer than most of ours, especially in your current season. Grace to you as you remember the one thing and walk by faith.
I read this recently and was impressed by Martha’s direct question. Unless you know the answer to the “Don’t you care?” question, it is a serious risk. I think she was more sure of Jesus than her anxiety indicated. She knew He cared for her, even if she needed reassurance. I can identify!
Thanks for sharing this insight, sister.
I used to think that when we retired I would have more time just to sit at Jesus’ feet. It was disillusioning to realize that my “Martha syndrome” did not completely retire with me.
Marge, Marge…this made me laugh. Just read a great story about you in Harry B’s book!
Thank you, Susan, for this post! I am such a Martha! Good intentions, but always needing to do one more thing before I sit down with Him. Reversing such a habit isn’t easy when life is beckoning, the house needs cleaning, and care needs to be given! Thank you for reminding me to let the rest of it go so I can grow!
That could be the title of another blog for me…”just one more thing.” I know this struggle and am thankful for the way He teaches us His ways. So patient with me!!
So good. I’m actually a Mary being Martha-like in a world of should. How delightful just to sit with those seated at the feet of Jesus. Unfortunately I get distracted by those things that seem to need to get done. Scurrying around tending to folks, I miss what Jesus meant for me. It is tricky, this life of ours. Thanks for this reminder. He is so kind to call to us…more than once.
I love that—a Mary being Martha-like in a world of should. Very descriptive of how I feel sometimes!
I can so identify with Martha! Thanks for reminding me that I need to work at being more like Mary and spend more time sitting at His feet.
Thanks for reading and sharing, friend. I’m glad we just keep on growing in this. He is faithful!