Christmas Devotional

“O come…”

“O come…” from traffic-lined streets, 

and checkout counter gridlock.

“O come…” from decorating, gift-wrapping, baking, and more.

Set aside to-do lists. 

Release expectations. 

Embrace expectation.

Come close. 

Draw near.

“O come let us adore Him.” Image by Tim Umphries on Unsplash.
Christmas Devotional

Chasing memories

Chasing memories. 

In a season crowded with reminders. 

Decor. Music. Stories. Photographs. Taking us back.

We’re looking for a simpler time. Before complex issues came to our attention. And weighty matters entered the picture. 

Before we knew.

Chasing memories. Image by Frede Langlois on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples


Famine. It’s coming. 

An odd theme to consider in the middle of Thanksgiving season. But there it is. In my daily Bible reading.

Amos the herdsman delivers this word of the Lord. To a people nonchalant. Complacent. And ultimately resistant. 

Unwilling to repent. 

And this is no scarcity of grain in lean years. Nothing like the famine of Joseph’s day. 

Famine. Image by Bernd Dittrich on Unsplash.